Hi! I’m Karina.

As a certified personal trainer for celebrities, yoga teacher, and registered holistic nutritionist (+ global citizen, new recipe enthusiast, dog mama, sustainable fashion lover, and beach reader, I specialize in integrating whole-wellness lifestyles into crazy-busy lives.

I’m also a founding instructor of Barry’s Canada, co-founder of Fit Escapes, an adventure travel company, and wellness consultant for the FIT on NETWORK.

Throughout my work, I’ve seen so many of my clients struggle physically, mentally, and emotionally to fit themselves into that single definition of a healthy lifestyle. 

It drove me to find new energizing and achievable ways to turn the tables and integrate a healthy balanced approach for people on-the-move.


“Just a normal girl who believes in a healthy lifestyle.”

But what’s normal? What’s a healthy lifestyle?

Our lives don’t feel all that normal sometimes, right? We’re busy with schedules, work, errands, kids, partners, and so on. 

We all have our own kind of “normal,” yet we still adhere to a singular definition went it comes to health and wellness. And because of it, we constantly compare ourselves to others. Whether you’re thinking, “I’m not as slim as they are,” or “I wish my skin looked that good,” or even thinking, “Omg, they have it all together, why can’t I?” you’ll feel like you’re always behind.


That’s how I felt for a good portion of my life: behind everyone, everything. Trying to fit in, trying to be accepted and defined as “normal.”

So f*ck it, I made my own rules.

Despite the ever present external influence to fit into someone else’s definition of ”OK,” I decided to create my own. I decided to show up . . . for me.

My family worked hard for everything. Growing up, I absorbed that experience and those lessons. It created the drive I have today. It motivated me to believe in myself. It also gave me the confidence to take my own wellness path.

Everyone is going to have different results, but the journey to a healthier, happier, and more balanced life, isn’t unique—it’s a communal experience.

Kicking ass with a smile.

I find a lot of joy in kicking my own ass during my workouts (and yes, I kick others too #noapologies). But apart from physical fitness, I explored how other factors influence our day-to-day, like nutrition, meditation, and mindset.

That’s when I understood that balance should flow naturally from integrating sustainable self-love and self-discipline into your daily health + fitness habits. 

These things can help you live a balanced life—but more importantly—live one that feels good to you.


I still don’t know what the hell “normal” is supposed to be.

But I do know what a happy, balanced lifestyle feels and looks like. 

Honestly, there’s no normal. You create your own life. It’s really in your hands.

I’m just here to offer a little love, support, and inspiration along the way.

Always from the heart,


Karina’s Four Pillars

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Master your movement.

Your current situation is not your final destination, because our future is guided by our daily choices.

This means staying accountable, inspired, true to who you are - and where you choose to go. Let’s draft your blueprint for success and get to work! Click here to get started.

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Simple + wholesome nutrition.

I believe that nutrition should be kept simple, and avoid fleeting trends. Together we can handcraft wholesome, delicious and healthy nutrition plans match your lifestyle. This isn’t a diet, it’s a new approach to eating simply and sustainably.

What are you waiting for? Click here to begin!

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Create balance.

Kindness, positivity, honesty, and accountability. I consider these the key ingredients in our approach to physical, mental and emotional integrity.

Everyone’s journey is unique - so there isn’t a right or wrong recipe. However, these common ingredients combined help develop a tailored approach in order to help you stay balanced!

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Unlock mindfulness.

Take a moment to be conscious of the way you think.

A change in your thought process is the fastest way to change the way you feel when faced with any given circumstance. So much of our behaviour is rooted in reaction to our external conditions. A shift in the way we think can vastly change the way live.


What it’s like working with me:

Karina V Testimonials

See what I’m up to! ↓