Tips for Staying Healthy While Working from Home


Let’s address the not-so-small elephant in the room...2020. I know I'm not only speaking for myself when I say I feel like we’ve been thrown curveball after another. We’ve all experienced different changes but the one most, if not all of us have had to adjust to, is working from home.

I’m sure we all love taking our meetings in PJs and spending our lunch breaks in bed, but how has this new work environment impacted your health? I’m talking everything from mental to physical, how are YOU feeling? 

Whether you’re snacking more, moving less, or feeling not as confident, I want you to know that you’re not alone!! In fact, myself, along with many of my clients, are all feeling it too!

With all the negativity going on in our minds, I wanted to create a list of things to do to get your groove back while working from home! 

Listed below are my 5 BEST tips: 

1. Create a morning & night routine to break up your day. 

Chances are your days are swamped with meetings, work, and errands, so, make your mornings and nights all about you! Use this time to disconnect from your phone, emails, social media, and all the external pressures we face in society. Instead, pick up a book, meditate or go for a brisk walk. 

2. Plan out your entire day and write in your calendar. 

Having your day planned out before it even starts will help you stay on track, feel more prepared, and more at ease mentally! From your meals, to your workouts, to your meetings, and everything in between, write it out. Trust me on this one, it’s helped me SO much! 

3. Set reminders for water breaks or to even just stand up.

This is crucial. Even with your day planned out, time can fly. Next thing you know, you’re done 3 meetings but haven’t gotten up from your seat once. Set an alarm on your phone to remind you to get up, stretch, drink some water, and take a break. Your body will thank you. 

4. Have healthy snacks at home.

When you're stuck at home, it’s so easy to grab a snack to munch on when you're stressed, hungry, or just need something to chew. Make sure you have healthy options! Load up your fridge and cabinets with nuts, fruits, crackers, veggies, or any other healthy treat you can reach for during the day. 

5. Find your designated office/work space 

Whether you have a home office, are working from your kitchen, or taking meetings outside, designate one space to do your work. It’s SO important to have separation between work, play, and rest, so that when you step away from your work space, you step away from work. 

This time may not be easy, but you hold all the power to make a change! Try 1,2,3, or all 5 of these tips and commit to the process. As always, if you have any other health or fitness related questions, send me a message! 


Karina V


Cauliflower Burrito Bowl (Plant Based)


Superfood Rice Bowl (Vegan)